Friday 18 March 2011

The Worst Employer In Noida : Attero Recycling Pvt. Limited

The company, Attero Recycling Pvt. Ltd., B-92, Sec-63, Noida, is the worst ever company that could be in the name of E-Waste.

There are endless numbers of issues and complain about this
company, some of them are as followed: -

1. No Working Environment: - This Company does not allow or believe in helping grow their employees.
No salary on time, no proper payment procedure, for opening a corporate/salaried bank account one will need to visit bank themselves for opening an account and its employee duty not the company, this is the statement that you will get to hear from management.
Salaries are deducted, no matter if you work for full day (example: if internet is not working in the company- your salary will be deducted depending on the internet down time either it can be half day or can be full day also, depending on the downtime. Electricity, Internet or Generator problem which is almost a common problem here, salary get deducted because the employer/management says; it’s your responsibility to take care of those things and company cannot bare that loss. Missed out punching your attendance, no problem half day salary gone no matter how hard you are working over there. The page will run out of space but the list of issues will not be less :-)

2. Pirated Software being used in the company, almost each and every system is full of pirated software example: - Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and many more.

3. Hitler ship: - If you have any problems, I mean any problem and you complain or discuss the issues with the management then you will be fired from the company. And, they will not even pay your balance, the papers noting. The culture, the work environment nothing you will find it here. No matter what you have to work like machine for 8-9 hours a day otherwise your salary will be deducted. One more good news thing they don’t value your hard earned degree/diploma, because so called HR manager says to the company owner that every second person has a degrees and are jobless so they don’t value it. The owner itself gives a surprise visit anytime, not in the office but on your PC through VNC to check on you that what are you doing (tight security I will say
J). The owner has the whole world time to spy and write abusive mail, threatening to fire you even if by mistake you write wrong spellings in your work report. You do a small mistake you sign a warning letter, mentioned that you will be terminated next time.

4. Being Abused: - They don’t pay to any vendor for the services, on time. There has been plenty of cases where the vendors stand on the gate shouting and abusing the company for very small token of money which they are not paid for months.
Once, anyone do business with this company does not return back for any kind of business with this company. Even the Electricity, Internet, Telephone Service Company has bared the services for non payments on time. One interesting incident I want to share, the company installed the security cam, you know why not for security purpose but to keep eye on you so he (the owner) can see you what you are doing every second and mark you an email that you were not on your seat and had left open the doors etc.

5. Work Ethics: - The company employer is very straight forward in this matter. This is not a company; it’s even worst then a road side vendor who sit on the road side.       

6. False Commitments: - All you get on the appointment letters are never meant to be followed by the managements or the company. It’s always the employee who suffers here.
We all know why the companies have HR? (to be a bridge between the employee and employers) but here, it’s a different scenario, you will come to know when you will face this.

7. Getting aboard?:- You will be flattered by the look of the building, because it gives a feels of a big company having 3 big floors from outside but the fact is it has only single floor, the company only uses the ground floor rest is vacant and every single month the landlord comes and threaten to close the door because the rent is also not paid on time.
But guys you need not worry about it, you will be asked as called very difficult questions which even a child can answer like (do you work on Technical, which officious you will be working on and if not also you need not worry because no technical questions are asked, the HR will start the 1st round till the final hiring round means not technical questions from the guys because the HR thinks that the existing employees tell the truth about the company and no one aggress to join this company) and next once said your said “YES” you will be asked how much salary expected etc and when can you join them, No further questions asked :-).
It’s just like a mouse trapper... One should give a try.   

I’ve lot more to reveal about this company and protect someone carrier being spoiled but it’s the face that no one will believe me until unless they are The VICTIM. So, why not try and give a shot to believe it.